Wraptopia, Vol. 31
Above color, Picasso loved shapes. A fascination with African masks inspired him to contrast geometric forms with organic shapes, giving way to new genre Abstract Art and its surreal depiction of subjects. Picasso's disorganized faces and twisted bodies became iconic and, ultimately, is what introduced the world to Modernism. He was monumental.
Picasso loved the female form, which is ubiquitous in his art—from canvas to collage to sculpture to ceramics. Muses were his oxygen and life blood, each one inspiring and influencing his work in seismic ways—Olga, Françoise, Marie-Thérèse, Jacqueline and Dora. They were monumental.
I, too, love shapes and credit The Almighty Woman for the inspiration behind The EveryBody Wrap® brand. In fact, the female form is what we celebrate and elevate here—from body positivity to shape diversity to inclusion to empowerment. My muses—the early adopters and brand devotées—are my oxygen and life blood, each one inspiring and influencing my work in their own unique way—Samantha, Elena, Cassandra, Misha and Shanna. You are monumental.

Elizabeth Kosich, Founder
The EveryBody Wrap®
The EveryBody Wrap®
Credit: "Head of a Woman" — Pablo Picasso, 1960